Woolston is a community where people are happy, safe and empowered.
To connect, support and empower Woolston whānau/families across generations.
Our Values
- Commitment to our community’s strength and resilience.
- Manaakitanga – respect, generosity and care
- Building strong, collaborative relationships
- Flexibility and responsiveness
- Inclusion
Our Strategic Intentions
- WDP is committed to equity for Māori in our community.
- To develop clarity about a WDP Te Ao Māori strategy.
- To commence the embedding of Te Ao Māori in the day-to-day life of WDP.
- WDP is visible, connected and respected locally.
- To have the capacity to network externally as well as manage the day to day running of WDP
- To support the development of local initiatives which encourage the empowerment of Woolston whānau/families.
- To ensure the WDP building is well known and used by groups external to WDP.
- WDP is the “go to” organisation for local community consultation.
- WDP has the resources, programmes and activities to meet the needs and aspirations of our diverse community.
- To complete the renovation of the Ferry Rd. WDP building in a timely and cost-effective way.
- To acquire the use of a second building with a big outside space.
- To increase the number of whānau/families that can access WDP Family Support Service.
- To triple the number of children attending the OSCAR and holiday programmes.
- To manage existing and develop new programmes in response to community needs and aspirations
- WDP has sustainable financial capacity to undertake our mahi/work.
- To ensure all WDP projects are financially stable and/or self-funding.
- To diversify funding streams to augment grants and service delivery.
- To maintain (and as necessary) increase support from our existing funders.
- WDP has stable, suitably qualified and supported staff and governance
- To support staff in their skill development and wellbeing.
- To employ a culturally diverse staff which reflects the ethnicity of those we serve.
- To strengthen board capacity and functions so that it can have a greater strategic and policy focus.