Women’s Group

Our Women’s Social Support Group meets each Wednesday of school term time. We alternate craft activities with trips.

WDP women’s group members enjoying their conversation

Our leader is Rachel.

Places must be booked by the Monday prior to the activity you wish to attend as activities in the WDP hall have limited places and we frequently have to book numbers for our outings. Bookings are essential. Please call or text Rachel and confirm your place on 027 376 7949. Transport is provided to the activity and back to WDP. Most trips leave WDP at 9.45am unless otherwise stated.

24 July 2024: Mitchelli’s Cafe at the Tannery.
Pay your own coffee/tea

31 July Games Morning & Pot luck morning tea
No charge

07 August: The Store at Tai Tapu. Bus leaves at 9.30am
Pay your own coffee/tea

14 August: Art Centre.
Pay your own coffee/tea

21 August: Office Cafe in Waikuku. Bus leaves at 9.30am
Pay your own coffee/tea

28 August: Craft morning at WDP

4 September: Brighton Beach House Cafe. Bus leaves at 9.30am
Pay your own coffee/tea

11 September: Guest speaker & pot lunch morning tea

18 September: Ferrymead Mini Golf

25 September: Felt Craft at WDP