We are urgently looking for OSCAR assistants to work on our holiday programmes and relieve on our after school programme.
Please send your cover letter, curriculum vitae (with contact details of at least two relevant referees) to:
Eddie Hayes manager@woolstondevelopmentproject.org.nz
Position: Casual/Relief OSCAR Programme Assistant
Location: Woolston Development Project, 497 Ferry Road, Christchurch and in various community locations
Responsible to: Recreation Coordinator (the Supervisor) and Manager
Purpose of Position: To assist the OSCAR Supervisor, assistant(s) and approved others in carrying out duties and daily activities in a safe, organised, committed and friendly manner.
Skills required:
- To have had experience working with children.
- Good communication skills with both children and adults.
- Self-motivated, shows initiative and enthusiasm for working with children.
- Ability to work well within a team.
- To be honest, reliable and trustworthy.
- Have an awareness and knowledge of cultural and disability issues.
- Ability to make decisions in consultation with the Supervisor, when required.
- A clear understanding of personal and professional boundaries.
- Ability to model appropriate social skills.
- Able to initiate activities.
- Ability to accept responsibility and direction from the Supervisor and listens well.
- A full clean driver’s licence.
- We would love for this person to have some experience and expertise in speaking and writing in Te Reo Māori.
Specific duties:
- To be responsible for the care and safety of the children attending the programme.
- To assist in the planning, preparation, organisation and implementation of activities.
- To supervise the children within the accepted boundaries
- To participate in activities with the children where appropriate.
- To ensure the safety of equipment and materials.
- To assist in the implementation of positive reinforcement rewards for the children.
- To activate disciplinary procedures in consultation with the Supervisor.
- To attend to any injuries and to record all such cases in the Incident book.
- To supervise and monitor the hygiene of the children.
- To ensure all children have been collected before you and another worker leave the programme.
- To attend any meetings relevant to the ASP and training as approved and/or directed by the Manager.
- To ensure the facility is clean and tidy at the end of each session.
- Any other tasks as deemed appropriate by the Supervisor and/or the Manager, as pertinent to the position.
Objectives and Performance Indicators:
- To have current children continue attending the programme.
- Children’s feedback is positive.
- Staff interactions are appropriate.
- The Team is functioning well: i.e. appropriate and respectful communication is occurring.
- Good role-modelling is achieved for clients.
- Client numbers remain stable to increasing.
- A range of changing activities is occurring.
- Any payments are receipted and accounted for.
- Issues for clients and staff are resolved.
- Programme is supported by the community.
- A consistent and safe environment is provided.
- A good rapport is being achieved with children and their parents.
- All staff are abiding by the WDP Policy and Procedures.
- All staff are abiding by the Code of Conduct.
- Police Vetting check does not exclude you from working with children