Kia ora Woolston Development Project whanāu of all ages!
It’s great to be out of lockdown and back into some semblance of normality again, albeit with the additional requirements around mask use.
From my reading of the COVID-19 rules, we don’t need to wear masks inside our building for our regular activities though if you feel more comfortable doing so, you are very welcome to do so. Our OSCAR children, most of whom are under 12 years of age, certainly aren’t expected to. We aren’t a library or museum or council run community centre which receives a wide range of visitors, most of whom may very well not be known to one another. We do expect people to sign in either using the NZ COVID tracer app (we have QR codes displayed in various locations around the building) or to sign the contact tracing register on the table next to the front door.
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting is being held on Monday 20 September at 7pm. You are warmly welcome to attend. Please wear a mask to this meeting as it is likely to attract a broader range of people than our regulars.
Holiday Programme
We have an exciting range of activities lined up for our October holiday programme! I will post information regarding the details shortly. Email me on to enrol your child/children.
Working Bee
This is being held on Sunday 26 September from 10am. We have a variety of different jobs to do, including preparing the ground for the new play equipment. Many hands make light work!
The Playground
It’s official – the railway carriage has been sold! It is probably being removed on Thursday 16 September and has been bought by a railway enthusiast who has already prepared it for removal.

The New Play Equipment!
Funky Monkey Bars has kindly agreed to allow me to show a picture of the new play equipment which will be delivered as soon as we have the site prepared for it.
A huge thank you to Foodstuffs (South Island) Community Trust for paying for this piece of equipment.

That’s everything for today except to say thank you to everyone for bearing with us through lockdown. It has been great being open again.
Nga mihi nui,
Eddie Hayes